Our group's strategy is based on 15-20 different states to navigate through the course and handle different tasks.  The more complex tasks like picking up a can, and collecting golf balls require separate functions. 

We use the sensors on the robot for different things:
Infrared:            Right wall following and wall avoidance when lost
Ultrasonic:        Used for precise stopping distance threshold - more reliable for longer distance
                        measurements (3-6 feet) than IR.
LADAR:             Used as a more accurate distance measurement sensor, adjustable in the way
                        that we can change in code the angle relative to the robot where we need to
                        know distance.



Our group uses LADAR as a general purpose distance measurement on each side of the robot, mainly used for finding the way out of the course if the robot is lost.

The LADAR will be used to find the distance to the right, front, and left walls by looking at the average distance values from -95 to -85, -5 to 5, and 85 to 95 degrees respectively.   The robot can ‘find itself’ based on what these expected values are in certain cases.  For example, if LADAR distance to the left is more than twice the distance to the right, this may indicate a wall to the right and nothing to the left.


In order to locate and grip the soda can, our group utilized the data obtained from the camera attached to the robot.  When a sufficient number of red pixels were found, the robot turned until these red pixels were centered at a certain pixel location corresponding to the angle at which the can must gripped.  The robot then drives forward until the same red pixels are below a certain pixel height corresponding to the position of the gripper.  Once the can has been gripped, the robot proceeds to the drop off location while simultaneously scooping up golf balls.  In order to place the can, the robot uses camera data to properly orient itself towards the pink sign.  The robot drives forward until it is at a certain distance from the wall as measured by the LADAR data.  Once the robot is in the correct position, the robot places the can in front of the pink sign.


Before the robot can reset its location, it must first determine that it is lost.  This is done by checking for unusually large gyro readings when the robot is not moving.  If the robot is picked up and moved to a random location in the course, the gyro readings will cause a flag to be set which will cause the robot to begin its attempt to determine its position.  The robot spins around at a constant speed while looking for landmarks in the course, particularly the pieces of green construction paper.  These landmarks can be seen on the image below.

If the robot sees any green pixels, it will drive towards the green object until it determines that it has reached a wall using an IR sensor mounted at the front of the robot.  The robot will then begin to right wall follow until it reaches the next corner in the course.  At this position, the robot can reset its position by checking whether there is a landmark at this location.  Once the position has been set, the robot can proceed to drive out of the course using the newly found position. 



Finding and Collecting Golf Ball Process

Block Diagram



There are 5 states for Camera. At the very beginning, State 0 is used to search for Red soda can. After picking up the soda can, the camera is set to State 1 to look for the first white light and two lights on both sides. State 4 is set immediately when the robot knows which direction to go. State 4 is used to search for the golf ball on the way. Only in State 4 will the get_golfball function be called. When robot is in the Recycle Area, State 2 is set to look for pink. On the way back, State 4 is always set to get golf balls.


The visual basic has been set up to look like the course and show where the robot is using a circle. Using the Wireless Send function, the position of the robot, the state, the color of the last golf ball, how many blue balls have been picked up, how many orange balls have been picked up, and the position of the last golf ball picked up are shown in the visual basic. The ability to send control gains and ultrasonic thresholds to the robot have also been implemented in the visual basic. Using an if statement, the state is checked for state 9, which is the state after the can is placed down. A cheerful sound is played to denote the successful placing of the can. A sound is also played during startup of the visual basic application. The position of the robot is used using geometry. The color of the last golf ball is determined by which door was opened on the robot, which is ultimately determined by the camera. The position of the last golf ball is sent through the Wireless Send function when the robot is directly over the golf ball pulling it into the door.








For the final contest, our group designed a gripper to pick up a soda can and two doors to collect golf balls.  Flags are set during certain states and used in a servo function to increment or decrement each servo angle in order to:

- open or close the gripper
- hold up or hold down the arm
- close or open the right door
- close or open the left door



The gripper is made using a rapid prototyping machine and contains two servo motors. The larger of the servo motors is used to move the gripper up and down. The smaller servo motor is used to open the gripper open and close it shut. The smaller servo contains a gear attached to it, so that when it rotates, another gear attached to the other side of the gripper rotates, which opens and closes it. The gripper is used to pick up the red can and place it down near the pink cardboard sheet.


The doors are made from cut plexiglass, hot-glued together.  The servos controlling door angles are mounted right-side-up for as a convenient design solution and a divider in the middle is mounted to the bottom of the front plate to separate the golf balls.




Initial Model Design






Carl Darukhanavala; Kevin Shadle; Wenjia Zhou; Kevin Roggendorf



Final Contest - Winning Run

Final Contest Run


