Source Code

All project files and source code were developed using Code Composer Studio version 3.3 on a machine using Windows XP Pro 32bit. The project has also been tested using Windows 7 32bit with CCS3.3 and CCS4.2, and Windows 7 64bit with CCS4.2.

If you are planning on using the XDS100 Emulator on the Segbot board, see this page for programming the XDS100 before installing the project files.

The Code Composer Studio 3.3/4.2 project source code for the Segbot and additional source code for the F28335 Delfino Microcontroller required to set up your own Segbot are available below.

Before using any of the project files or F28335 files, please see the license agreement.
   Segbot Project Files (CCSv3.3)
   Segbot Project Files (CCSv4.2)
   F28335 Files

Installation instructions and instructions to flash the F28335 on the Segbot can be found here.

Setting Up Code Composer

A limited version of CCS3.3 for C2000 MCU family devices can be downloaded from here from Texas Instruments. Alternatively, a limited version of CCS4.2 can be downloaded from here. You will need to register and log in if you do not have an account on TI's website.

If you are using a Spectrum Digital XDS510LC JTAG Emulator and CCS3.3, you will need to go to this page on Spectrum Digital's support site to download and install the necessary drivers for the emulator. If you are using CCS4.2, the drivers for the emulator should be automatically included in the Premium installation package.

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Precision. Accuracy. Speed.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Logo Control Systems Instructional Laboratory
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
1406 W Green
Urbana, IL 61801-2307