Program Commands
$ ye_ge423_proj --help
Program Flags:
display this oh so helpful screen [-h|-H|-help|--help]
connect to robot ip (default robot 78) [-c|-C] [space delimited IP]
Program Commands:
close this program - esc
capture an RGB picture - backspace
record rgb & depth video - space
start/stop motion (MHI) tracking - 't'
Direct Kinect Commands:
slowly tilt the Kinect up - '+'
slowly tilt the Kinect down - '_'
turn the Kinect LED off - '0'
set the Kinect LED, green - '1'
set the Kinect LED, red - '2'
set the Kinect LED, yellow - '3'
set the Kinect LED, blinking green - '4'
set the Kinect LED, blinking red - '5'
Don't forget to 'sudo' !
Future Ideas
- Machine Learning (OpenCV) - Train a cascade classifier to recognize a robot.
- OpenCV in General - There are tons of unexplored algorithms; Use your imagination.
- Explore PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library to do more advanced things with the depth data.
- Explore OpenNI - Gesture recognition library to create natural interaction (human/computer) applications.
- Kinect for Mapping - Place the Kinect on a moving device (like the robots in lab) to create a 3D map of a room.