The Segbot (Two Wheel Segway Style Balancing Robot)
The Segbot is part of ongoing inverted pendulum projects in the Control Systems Labs. It uses Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) consisting of accelerometers and rate gyroscopes to determine its angular orientation. Coupled with a
TI C2000F28335 Delfino floating-point microcontroller and several other components, these sensors make it possible to stabilize the robot in the balancing position. This robot operates in much the same way as the Segway robots designed for personal transportation. The Segbot is capable of robust, high speed wall following, and can alternatively be controlled remotely using Texas Instruments'
eZ430-Chronos Wireless Watch Development Tool.
The purpose of this page is to explore and display the capabilities of the Segbot. This page is also intended to exist as an open-source, open-hardware platform to assist in designing, building, and understanding your own Segbot.