GE 423 Thundercats

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Our strategy in the final contest was broken up into ball-finding and course maneuvering. Course maneuvering consisted of subtracting the robot’s x and y coordinates from the desired location’s x and y coordinates. A negative value meant the desired coordinate was to the right and a positive value meant the desired coordinate was to the left, causing the robot to take a respective turn. There were four states for deciding when to compare which set of x and y coordinates.These states were dependent on the direction the robot was facing. If the robot is facing towardsthe positive y or negative y direction, we enter the state of subtracting x coordinates. If the robot is facing towards the positive x or negative x direction, we enter the state of subtracting y coordinates. Ball-finding consisted of overriding course maneuvering whenever the robot saw enough orange or blue pixels with the camera. If it did, the robot would break out of going to desired locations and chase the ball.

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